Why In The Hell Would You Write An Autobiography?
Though the term “broken mind” can’t be found in the dictionary, I imagine that the term implies that one’s mind isn’t working properly. After all, if you’re leg is broken then you can’t walk properly, if you’re heart is broken then you can’t love properly. Ergo, a broken mind must not think properly. Yet therein lies my confusion. You see, I’ve had my mind for 28 years, and though I didn’t always know this, my mind works perfectly fine. Different than others? Absolutely. But improperly? Not at all. And different isn’t necessarily a bad thing. In fact, it’s what makes me most unique and allows me to do things that others can’t do. I was diagnosed with Bipolar Disorder at the age of 16, and since then, I’ve been continuously hearing from family and closed ones of how much my mind doesn’t work properly. I can connect dots from one thought process to another in an impeccable amount of time. I can zone in on a particular task while honing in on details. I can take a vast amount of information and review it in a matter of seconds, allowing me to make timely decisions. My mind does everything that anyone else’s mind does, mine just happens to come with a few extra boosts that God didn’t see fit to bless everyone with. My mind may work differently than most, but it’s certainly not broken.
My Mind’s Not Broken; The Mental Ramblings of a Bipolar Entrepreneur is my autobiography meant to inspire and motivate those in the same or similar situations. My mental health is something that I’ve dealt with for my entire life. It took years of me doing my own digging, research, talking to doctors, taking meds, and learning from others in order for me to learn the most important lesson that has ever been presented to me; there is absolutely nothing wrong with me.
This book addresses motherhood, toxic relationships, homeless, mental health, entrepreneurship, high school dropout, and childhood abuse on such an intimate level. This book not only outlines the obstacles that I’ve faced in life, but I also dive into the lessons that I learned along the way. These lessons taught me that something good can come out of anything. These lessons taught me that not everything is meant for others to understand. These lessons taught me that I can, and will, do absolutely anything that I put my mind to.
I was recently asked why I would write a book about all of the worst moments of my life, to which I responded, “This book is for you. This book is for all of you who feel like you’re all alone and like there’s something wrong with you because of the way that you think. We all have wounds that won’t heal and some of those come with a ton of weight. Some of us just have more wounds than others. I promise you that your mind is not broken.